White mould rind. Pale yellow paste, generally with some
chalkiness at the centre, when fully ripened the paste is
soft and smooth.
Creamy and buttery with discernable white mushroom
notes coming through on the finish, pleasant bitterness
Here at Cooleeney Farm the fourth generation of the Maher family work the land. Our pedigree Friesian dairy herd is the main enterprise and animal husbandry and breeding receive Jim and Pat's careful attention.
Quality is the keynote at Cooleeney. The cows are kept in a clean healthy environment. They enjoy the best of green pastures and carefully selected feed to ensure milk of the highest possible quality for the production of artisan cheeses
Our Friesian dairy herd is a closed herd and all replacement animals are bred on the farm. This practice helps to reduce the risk of disease in our herd.
The four generations of Mahers in Cooleeney have built this dairy herd to its present high standard and the first recorded award for quality milk is noted in 1905 records. Our farm continues to receive national and international awards for cheeses.
Cooleeney Cheese was established in 1986 to produce a range of speciality cheeses. Like the farm, quality is the keynote in the cheese plant and the art of cheesemaking has been perfected by the dedicated staff some of whom have been with us since its inception.
We operate a comprehensive HACCP system. Our custom designed cheese plant is accredited to the BRC Global Standard – Food Issue 6.
Each staff member is fully trained under the guidelines set out by the FSAI.
Comprehensive microbiological testing is carried out continuously by an INAB accredited laboratory off site thus ensuring that all cheeses leave our plant at optimum quality and safety.
Cheese Care
Every batch of cheese produced in Cooleeney gets the most careful attention at each stage of its production and maturation here in our cheese plant. We want to be sure that it will reach you in the perfect state for you to enjoy and retain the lasting tastes until you make your next purchase.
Early each morning the cheesemaker pumps the milk into the cheese vats where the cultures are added. Later when the rennet is added curds are formed and after the moulds are filled drainage takes place in a temperature controlled room. The cheese is turned on a regular basis in order to have an even moisture level in the cheese.
The following day the cheese is brined and placed into special controlled ripening rooms where the process of flavour development begins under the vigilant attention of the dedicated cheesemakers. All the essential time is then given to allow satisfactory maturation of the cheeses.
Once the cheese is fully moulded it is wrapped and packed for sale. The cheeses are given a ‘Use By Date' which is an indication to the maturity of the cheese. Our cheese are live products and the cheese connoisseur may wish to mature the cheese for a longer period to acquire those unforgettable flavours.