Our lightest and most refreshing signature blend is known for its brisk and lively taste. We select our Original blend from the Assam valley of India and the gardens of Rwanda and Kenya but it’s the bright freshness of the African leaves that make this tea so refreshing. It’s the perfect blend to enjoy anytime of the day. We at Barry’s Tea always blend to Irish taste, which is why our Original Blend is our lightest and most refreshing tasting tea. Tea is a great source of hydration and is naturally low in calories.
Barry’s Tea was founded in 1901 by James J. Barry, grandfather of Peter Barry. From the very beginning, quality was at the heart of our family’s business. In 1934, Anthony Barry was awarded the Empire Cup for tea blending, confirming his expertise in the tea trade. This tradition of quality without compromise continues to this day.
Just as our sustainable business practices support communities at source, our commitment to Ireland is also unwavering. We have always maintained strong links with our community, and every year we support many cultural, educational and community projects.
Until the 1960s, our teas were sourced mostly from India and Sri Lanka and were sold mainly from our shop in Prince’s Street, Cork. But when our blends kept growing in popularity, we widened our wholesaling and distribution channels. We began selling our teas to other shops in Cork, expanding into the suburbs, then out to the rest of the country.
In 1960, Peter Barry, Anthony’s son, pioneered the concept of wholesaling tea and began sourcing tea from East Africa. There was an incredible reaction to these new blends, and they became something of a Barry’s Tea signature. It became apparent that the qualities of freshness, flavour and that distinctive golden colour were very much unique to our tea.
Through word of mouth alone, our reputation continued to grow and by the mid-1980s Barry’s Tea had become a much loved national brand, a fact which makes us incredibly proud.  At Barry’s Tea, we’ve always listened to our loyal tea drinkers. So as healthy lifestyles become more of a priority for many, we have evolved our range to include Fruit and Herbal Infusions and Green Teas, and we hope you love them as much as we do.